Assist The Values Education Project Report, continuing since 2015 under the coordination of Ramin ALiYEV; District District Governor Rızvan Eroğlu, District Director of National Education Burhan Yüksel and teachers attended in the seminar attended by Research Assist.Özgür Osman DEMİR.
HKU Faculty of Education Faculty Member Asst. Assoc. Dr. You can click on the education link titled “Game and Material Supported Workshop in Education Process” by Cemre Tatlı to nearly one hundred primary school teachers from the link below.
The project “Developing the Life Skills of Gifted Children” in HKU, which was accepted by the Psychological Counseling and Guidance students under the consultancy of 2209-A University Students Research Projects, which was prepared by Ayşe Alp, Zeynep Taşdemir and Yunus Emre Yılmaz under the supervision of our faculty member Mustafa Kurtoğlu. Tübitak has the feature […]
Faculty of Education academic member Prof. Dr. Şener Büyüköztürk is providing the 9th training of Research and Development Project Writing supported by TUBITAK at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. The training will be on 16-18 October in Bodrum.
Hasan Kalyoncu University Faculty of Education is in great progress to be the home base of research and development. Research and Development Strategy Paper Organization Project led by Prof. Dr. Yaşar Özbay was deemed worthy of support in consequence of the evaluation as part of TUBITAK-1000.